FAQ. When would someone need counselling?

Life is full of opportunities and challenges. Challenges make life more interesting, but they also may make life more stressful. Today life styles have become hectic, and you face high pressure and expectations both from yourself and from others around. Peer pressure and competition defines the lines between success and failure. Some typical situations that may be stressful when talking to someone in a confidential, warm and accepting environment could help are
- When you are at cross roads in your personal or professional life, confusion becomes a constant presence in life, leading to and lack of clarity and renders decision making difficult.
- You may face Interpersonal issues @ work or @ home. You may want to improve your relationship with your partner/spouse and family, be able to manage conflicts better at home and have a fulfilling relationship with your spouse and children.
- Managing a balance between work and life could be a challenge.
- Parenting and managing children brings in challenges of their own. Children face many challenges at studies, school as well as home. Adolescence can be a taxing and frustrating time and for youngsters as well as the parents.
- Interpersonal issues at work may interfere with your satisfaction with your career and growth.
- Over a period of time life could become uninteresting/non challenging and you may end up doubting your self-worth, questioning the meaning of your life.
- On the other hand perhaps there is no major problem to address, but you may feel like having hit a roadblock and not able to move forward in life. Or you might be looking at opportunities to enhance skills, overcome barriers, identify and maximize potential for a journey towards greater success in life. Or to find greater meaning to your life or effectively achieve your personal and life goals.
Whatever your life situation is, your commitment and motivation to effect a change is a key requirement for you to move towards your chosen goal. The counselling process facilitates this inner-growth or transformation as needed, in a safe and warm environment.
How can Counselling Help?
When the going is tough, you need someone to talk to, someone who you can trust, who you can share your deepest fears and troubles, who really understands. You need someone, who doesn’t judge you, is not critical of you, accepts you as who you are and who can provide a different perspective and help you gain access to your resources and strengths. This person is your counselor. Your counselor maintains strict confidentiality, has an unbiased view point and is genuinely interested in your priority, goals and well being.
Is seeking counselling a sign of weakness?
Seeking counselling is not a sign of weakness. It takes courage to address problem areas and examine painful feelings. Entering counselling is taking the first step in resolving difficulties. Counselling is not only for people with serious emotional problems. People often seek and benefit from counseling for life situations such as relationship problems, adjustment concerns, managing stress, work life balance, early/midlife crisis, parenting concerns and better personal growth.
Will my counsellor solve my problems?
Your counsellor does not give advice or tell you what to do or give solutions your problems, but enables you to equip yourself to address them. You may gain new skills, may get a new understanding, look at the issue differently. The counsellor facilitates this process where you are able to address your situations effectively.

I am confused. Will I get clarity to take appropriate decisions?
The path that you need to take need not be invented, only discovered. During difficult circumstances, these paths forward are not visible or clear because of the haze created by the situation, problem, emotions that you seem to be engulfed with. Talking things out, and processing your emotions help dispel this haze and makes your options clear and enables you to take decisions with understanding and clarity.
How will I achieve my goals?
Your progress towards your goals has a significant dependence on your motivation and commitment towards the same. There may be work assigned to you by the counselor during the time between the sessions. The new skills acquired in the sessions may need to be practiced during the time in between the sessions.

How long will the counselling process take?
The duration of the counselling process will depend on the pace that you are comfortable with and that you want to set for yourself in your work towards your goals. Your counselor will periodically discuss with you to get your feedback and incorporate changes as appropriate
What Services do you provide?
- We provide professional and confidential counselling services in Bangalore for individuals, couples, children and adolescents at Jayanagar, MG Road, Marathahalli, Mahadevpura, Koramangala – Bangalore and Online over video calls.
- We also provide counselling and training services on location for organizations including Schools, Colleges, Corporates and NGOs
- We also provide mediation services for amicable dispute resolution.