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Facing tough times in life 7 ways to keep your head above troubled waters
Facing tough times in life? 7 ways to keep your head above troubled waters. Are you facing difficult times in life. At every turn do you find life throwing curve-ball …
How to move from suffering to personal growth
When life throws lemons at you make a lemonade out of it. It is easier said than done isn’t it? What if you find that life throws lemons at you…
How does confirmation bias affect your relationships
Confirmation bias is the tendency to look for; to select information; to interpret information in such a way so that it aligns with or it confirms one’s own preconceived ideas…
What is locus of control and how can it work to our benefit
What is locus of control ? Locus of control is your perception about what influences or controls the outcome of what happens to you or your behavior. Internal locus of…
Why is Self Compassion important for a happy and fulfilling life
We all strive to succeed and many a times we might fail. None of us is perfect. We are all flawed creatures with real or perceived inadequacies. We all going…
Understanding bystander effect – How to overcome and become socially responsible
First let us understand who is the bystander in the context of “the bystander effect”. A person or a group of people who observe an inappropriate behavior – like a…
3 simple ways to stop beating yourself up
Sometimes the mistakes we make in life could be small little errors and sometimes it could be major blunders too. It is humanely impossible to not make any mistakes…
Do counsellors and therapists also have problems in life?
What do counsellors and therapists do when they have problems in their own lives? Professional Counsellors and Therapists are “surprisingly” – “people after all”. It is like – just because…
Are you healthy? Do you feel grateful about your health?
Do you consider yourself to be healthy? Do you feel grateful about your health? We go to the hospital so many times for small issues and sometimes for significant health…
Can these digital well being tools being introduced by Social Media Giants like Google, help curb addiction to social media- Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanian’s views featured on Deccan Herald
Google has introduced digital well being tools can help users monitor and manage their time that they spend on the platform. These tools are currently available for the Youtube platform….