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5 ways that Nature helps de-stress and improves happiness levels
When our lives are full of hectic schedules, deadlines, gadgets, competition, rat race, conflicts, pressure and so on is it not a surprise that its common to see persistent stress…
Is it ok to be openly affectionate to your partner in front of your kids? Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala’s views featured on Deccan Herald
Is it ok to be openly affectionate to your partner in front of your kids? YES. Definitely. But within boundaries and what is healthy for the kids too. Inner Dawn…
How Nature heals the body soothes the soul
Ever wondered why most popular vacation destinations are beaches, mountains, valleys, forest resorts? Ever wondered why morning and evening stroll spots are gardens, early morning walks are footpaths with trees…
Instantly improve happiness levels
People pursue happiness, chase happiness, look for happiness everywhere. Happiness is like the soft beach sand that we hold in our hands. If we make a fist and keep trying…
Understanding the barriers to happiness
It is been recent habit of mine – whenever I am in the midst of nature, I make it a point to sit down on the ground and try to…
Problems from Excessive Gaming. Now WHO adds Gaming Disorder in ICD-11
The World Health Organisation – WHO – has defined Gaming disorder in the ICD – 11 (the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases). This includes both digital gaming…
How does counselling really work?
How does counselling really work? How are clients able to make significant and long lasting changes in their lives? This is a common question that I am usually faced with…
What is bandwagon effect? How does it impact us in our daily lives?
Colourful Wagons were used to transport the Circus groups and their musical bands in earlier times in a parade or procession in order to attract more people to watch/attend the…
Value in learning to fail successfully
We all need to fail. Yes, and learn to fail successfully. Does this surprise you? How to fail successfully? Doesn’t it look like an oxymoron? Let me tell you –…
6 easy ways to instantly feel better when you are feeling down
Everybody wants to be happy. And some people do seem to be more happy than others. Success is a relative term, happiness need not be. Many a times, you give…