Blog Articles on Life Style – Inner Dawn Counselling
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White lies, omissions, major lies, bold lies – do lies affect relationships
Can lying affect your relationship negatively. Yes and definitely yes. You might lie on small things or big things. You might omit certain details deliberately and provide a partial truth…
Route to intimacy in Relationships-Real Conversations
In today’s world of fast paced life, rat race and social media dependent self worth, having real conversations have taken a back seat and for many people, it doesn’t even…
Learning to live and love but without attachments
This picture reminds me of what my mother always used to say – learn to live like a droplet of water on a leaf. The droplet remains on the leaf…
How to deal with the loss of your job and to move forward
Lay-offs – How to deal with the loss of your job and to move forward There has been news going around about layoffs happening in your company. And one day…
Why should you stop struggling
When I stop struggling, I float. So it is in life. When we face problems, we struggle so much sometimes, that we don’t get a clear picture of the problem…
Need for Deep conversations for happiness and satisfaction
Have you ever had a meaningful conversation with some one on a topic or a series of topics and felt a sense of satisfaction at the end of it, but…
‘To have or not to have’ – children
Now that you are married, are you feeling the pressure to have a child ? Yes, Lets admit it. It is common in the Indian society for people to ask…
AIR-Rainbow FM – LIVE – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanian on Overcoming Jealousy on 30-May-17
AIR-Rainbow FM – LIVE – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanian on Overcoming Jealousy on 30-May-17 The one hour talk show on the “Health hour” zoomed in on the topic of…
Children in Smoking trap-Indian Express-Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanians views featured
Tobacco has been given multiple avatars to make it attractive to different age groups. Today children and adolescents start smoking very early in the form of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, hukkah, gutka…
How to Save your relationship post an affair (part 2)
Your partner/spouse had an affair. The affair has been discovered by you or your spouse/partner has decided and disclosed the affair to you. Your have been deeply hurt by the…