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Appreciate what you have, when you have, not when it is gone or lost.
Many of us would have experienced this – of not enjoying the moment, not appreciating what we have, but later on regretting not having done the same. This habit of…
Consenting to a marriage. Why is it critical ?
Marriage is one of the oldest social institutions meant to provide safety and security and healthy environment for the couple and future generations. It also brings about stability in the…
Indian Express – Rude Nasty TV Show characters impact Children- Kala Balasubramanians views featured in Indian Express
TV Shows, be it Cartoons or Reality shows, when the characters are being rude and nasty, has a significant impact on children. Today the screen time that the child…
What is the link between sunlight and depression?
You would have noticed that a bright sunny day with clear skies, makes you feel lot more upbeat than a rainy cloudy day. On a rainy cloudy day, you might…
How is talking to a therapist different from talking to a friend?
This is a very common question that comes to people’s mind when they are considering professional counselling or therapy. Counselling is also about talking, and you can do the talking…
Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Counsellor – Differences
Difference between Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychotherapist and a Counsellor. One of the first set of questions that a client or a potential client would ask me is what is counselling and…
I am not happy, but I want to be, how do I?
We human beings are wired to seek happiness and peace. As per Maslow’s hierarchy of needs we start with logical needs of food, water, air etc. Once those are met…
Do negative emotions like anger, fear, panic etc have any value?
Of course our emotions definitely do have a purpose. When it comes to pleasant set of emotions like happiness, surprise, excitement, serenity, peace etc., we don’t ask this question….
Depression, Anxiety on the rise in newly weds
Marriage is deemed as a very important event in one’s life and it is a significant transition phase in the life of the newly-weds. Recently it has been seen as…
Can I provide emotional support ? I am not trained.
Yes Absolutely. And yes you need to know where and how. Awareness regarding mental health need not be just restricted to the mental health day. Awareness about mental health, seeking…