All Blog Articles – Inner Dawn Counselling
List all Articles on Marriage/Relationships , Emotions , Life Style , Latest Updates/Media Links
- Impact of Social Media Addiction on Adolescents and Parental Concerns 25/3/2025
- Powerful impact of pre-marital counselling in these changing times 11/3/2025
- Brain rot – What you need to know about mindless online scrolling 11/12/2024
- Consent and respect – What you need to teach your child 3/12/2024
- Does technology overuse lead to more loneliness? 27/10/2024
- Is There Adequate Safety For Women In Our Society? 2/9/2024
- Healthy or Unhealthy Anger – How to know the difference? 30/8/2024
- Online toxic trolling – body shaming – bane of social media 1/5/2024
- The HINDU Education Plus Career Counselling 2024 28/4/2024
- Online Betting, Gambling addiction 29/3/2024
- More openness in people seeking help for Mental Health 9/11/2023
- What really makes us human? Where is our humanity? 14/7/2023
- Do You Believe In One Love Or Multiple Loves – Monogamy, Polyamory and more 7/7/2023
- Does infidelity mean the end of the marriage or relationship? 15/4/2023
- What do you look for in a therapist who is right for you? 12/10/2022
- How do Boundaries Keep your Relationship safe? 16/8/2022
- Importance of Boundaries in your Relationship 22/7/2022
- Importance of emotions and regulation 10/7/2022
- A simple habit for happiness and life satisfaction-Gratitude 26/6/2022
- 5 Signs of Manipulation in Your Relationship 30/4/2022
- Are you in a Relationship and Still Feeling Lonely? 25/4/2022
- 5 Critical topics for Couple Conversations 15/4/2022
- How does lying impact your relationship? 11/4/2022
- The Four Pillars of a Relationship. 2/4/2022
- What happens in Couple Therapy or Relationship Counselling 27/3/2022
- 5 things to never do in a conflict with your partner 19/3/2022
- How can You make a Positive Impact in your Community 10/3/2022
- How to Apologize when You Hurt Someone you Love? 26/2/2022
- 3 Steps to choose the right therapist 19/2/2022
- How to deal with conflicts in relationship in healthy way 11/2/2022
- How to improve emotional connection in your relationship 4/2/2022
- What really happens in therapy / counselling 28/1/2022
- 7 Myths around Counselling and Therapy Debunked 21/1/2022
- Inner dawn YouTube channel. What do we offer here? 21/1/2022
- Our YouTube Channel is open 8/1/2022
- 10 ways to show love in action to your partner 22/12/2021
- 7 ways to build emotional intimacy in your relationship 13/12/2021
- Three types of intimacy in a couple relationship 28/11/2021
- Online therapy vs in-person therapy in the pandemic backdrop 8/11/2021
- 4 types of friends to cherish and not let go 2/11/2021
- 4 key conversations with parents on pressure to get married 30/10/2021
- 10 key conversations to have with your significant other 21/10/2021
- Five ways in which disrespect shows up in your relationship 13/10/2021
- 5 things to do if you think therapy is not working for you 26/9/2021
- Why is the healing process in therapy painful? 11/9/2021
- How is self-blame different from taking responsibility? 23/8/2021
- Online Dating in the Pandemic times 7/8/2021
- Are you experiencing relationship anxiety 25/7/2021
- 5 powerful ways of working with emotions 18/7/2021
- 6 reasons why your therapist thinks about you outside sessions 5/7/2021
- Mental Health Services – Awareness, Accessibility and Affordability 13/6/2021
- Impact of the Pandemic on working professionals 2/6/2021
- How can active listening and empathy help improve your relationship? 23/5/2021
- Mothers and Sacrifice. Need there be limits? 9/5/2021
- What is inner critical voice? Why is it so powerful? 19/4/2021
- 4 simple steps to counteract that inner critical voice 11/4/2021
- 5 ways that your parenting approach may be driven by guilt 23/3/2021
- Premarital counselling demystified 25/2/2021
- Overcoming Jealousy – Part 2 9/2/2021
- Understanding Jealousy and Envy – how to overcome it – Part 1 2/2/2021
- One sure shot way of keeping yourself happy this New Year 1/1/2021
- Six ways of making holidays less stressful and more enjoyable 28/12/2020
- How do you feel about therapy and your therapist? Do you discuss that with your therapist? 13/12/2020
- 8 reasons why Sorry seems to be the hardest word 20/11/2020
- What spells doom for a relationship – Gottman’s four horsemen – Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling 9/11/2020
- Kindness as a route to Mental Wellness 8/10/2020
- Mental health matters – Confidentiality – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala’s views featured in Deccan Herald 7/9/2020
- Counselling Support for Children in COVID times and challenges 28/8/2020
- Do you know who your friends are? 7 characteristics of a good friend 12/8/2020
- Lonely in a relationship. What can you do to make it better? 7/8/2020
- Defusing repetitive escalating conflicts in couples 16/7/2020
- Discrimination, prejudice, stereotypes – can we do something about it? 23/6/2020
- How to help a friend at risk of Self harm or Suicide 19/6/2020
- Is Quarantine making your relationship worse 11/5/2020
- 6 points to make the best out of Online Counselling 10/4/2020
- 3 areas to proactively handle in these lockdown times. Support yourselves with Online Counselling 30/3/2020
- Slow down and smell the roses. Six simple ways to start living 12/3/2020
- Parenting Teens – Privacy vs Monitoring 10/2/2020
- Is your apology strong enough? 4/2/2020
- Trolling based on Skin Color – Kalas views featured on Deccan Herald 9/1/2020
- Teach your children – SAFETY, RESPECT, CONSENT 26/12/2019
- What can we do for safety of women and all of us? 4/12/2019
- Seven barriers to kindness in relationships today 16/11/2019
- 3 important questions to ask when your relationship is going stale 16/10/2019
- Premarital counselling-Deccan herald-Kala’s views featured 10/10/2019
- How to deal with Excessive Screen time of children 9/10/2019
- Understanding the psychology of video games that make them so addictive 3/10/2019
- How to save your turbulent marriage 26/9/2019
- How is Teen Dating and Depression related 13/9/2019
- Four wellness factors for senior citizens to lead a fulfilling and happy life 12/8/2019
- Top management and high stress – deadly combo. What can be done 4/8/2019
- 5 ways that Nature helps de-stress and improves happiness levels 29/7/2019
- Is it ok to be openly affectionate to your partner in front of your kids? Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala’s views featured on Deccan Herald 24/7/2019
- How Nature heals the body soothes the soul 23/7/2019
- Instantly improve happiness levels 12/7/2019
- Mind reading and the damage it causes in your relationships 24/6/2019
- Understanding the barriers to happiness 12/6/2019
- Problems from Excessive Gaming. Now WHO adds Gaming Disorder in ICD-11 30/5/2019
- How does counselling really work? 20/5/2019
- What is bandwagon effect? How does it impact us in our daily lives? 18/5/2019
- Value in learning to fail successfully 1/5/2019
- 6 easy ways to instantly feel better when you are feeling down 25/4/2019
- What is learned helplessness-How do we overcome it 15/4/2019
- Why asking for help is very difficult. 10/4/2019
- Will couple counselling help if there is abuse in the relationship? 2/4/2019
- Getting married! What if it doesn’t work? What if someone better comes along? 28/3/2019
- How does owning our difficult emotions help us? 22/3/2019
- Deccan Herald-Your partners smells and effect on you- Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanians views featured 14/3/2019
- 7 ways to real – non negotiable – self care for a woman 8/3/2019
- 5 ways by which we inadvertently encourage or condone online bullying/shaming/trolling 1/3/2019
- Ways to build strong social connections 22/2/2019
- Indian Divorce rates lowest – does it mean couples are happier – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kalas views featured on Deccan Herald 18/2/2019
- Want to know a secret to a healthier and happier life 7/2/2019
- What is Emotional Blackmail and how do we deal with it? 1/2/2019
- How to keep your relationship safe from the invasion of the smartphones 24/1/2019
- Smartphones – How do they take over your relationship 20/1/2019
- When sorry loses its meaning 15/1/2019
- Fan syndrome triggers suicides – Inner Dawn Counsellor Sangita’s views featured on Deccan Herald 14/1/2019
- Facing tough times in life 7 ways to keep your head above troubled waters 9/1/2019
- Will I lose my individuality and freedom when I get married? 4/1/2019
- Fights with your partner : 5 effective ways to defuse the situation and to patch up. 29/12/2018
- How to move from suffering to personal growth 21/12/2018
- How does confirmation bias affect your relationships 5/12/2018
- How not to say hurtful things to your partner in a conflict 28/11/2018
- Are you saying hurtful things during a conflict to your partner? 26/11/2018
- What is locus of control and how can it work to our benefit 22/11/2018
- Why is Self Compassion important for a happy and fulfilling life 19/11/2018
- Understanding bystander effect – How to overcome and become socially responsible 11/11/2018
- Reaction versus Response 30/10/2018
- 3 simple ways to stop beating yourself up 27/10/2018
- Validating Emotions : Emotion Regulation Part 4 21/10/2018
- Understanding the value of emotions: Emotion Regulation Part 3 18/10/2018
- Emotion Regulation Part 2: Understanding the emotional process 11/10/2018
- Emotion Regulation Part 1 : Knowing your emotions 5/10/2018
- 4 things to do when your conversations are going nowhere and getting escalated into conflicts 28/9/2018
- Why are boundaries very important in a Couple relationship? 25/9/2018
- Do counsellors and therapists also have problems in life? 19/9/2018
- Are you healthy? Do you feel grateful about your health? 14/9/2018
- Can these digital well being tools being introduced by Social Media Giants like Google, help curb addiction to social media- Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanian’s views featured on Deccan Herald 6/9/2018
- Do you worry a lot? Three ways to deal with your chronic worries 4/9/2018
- Stalking-are more stringent, gender neutral laws more effective? 23/8/2018
- Are your relationship conflicts escalating-defuse in three steps 17/8/2018
- Five ways in which your fear is stopping you from living a fulfilling life 15/8/2018
- Six reasons why people stay in bad, abusive or unfulfilling relationships for a long time 10/8/2018
- Can playing Video Games make you empathize with others? 6/8/2018
- Three ways to improve your bonding and intimacy in your relationship 1/8/2018
- Does luck play a role in your success or failure? 25/7/2018
- Protecting children from online Adult content Industry Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanians views featured in Parents World Magazine 19/7/2018
- Can unresolved issues and resentments be addressed in couple therapy? 10/7/2018
- Is your child at risk of Suicide? What can parents do? 7/7/2018
- Is Anger damaging your relationship? 28/6/2018
- How does parental conflict affect children? 20/6/2018
- When is the right time to get married? How will you know? 15/6/2018
- Will counselling really work for me ? 11/6/2018
- Dealing with Verbally Abusive behaviour before it worsens 8/6/2018
- Is it a close friendship or emotional affair 25/5/2018
- Code Words can enhance child safety – Kala Balasubramanian’s views featured on Deccan Herald 21/5/2018
- Avoiding conflicts at any cost? You are damaging your relationship 18/5/2018
- Make happiness a habit 2/5/2018
- Bored in your marriage/relationship? You can bring back the spark 27/4/2018
- Parents bullied by child – Why and how to handle? 22/4/2018
- Emotional Connections – for health, longevity and happiness 19/4/2018
- To be emotionally vulnerable with your partner – the key to intimacy 4/4/2018
- Excess online and digital validation damages real life and relationships 24/3/2018
- Emotional abuse in a relationship and why it goes on? 16/3/2018
- Single parent challenges and way forward 7/3/2018
- How to Parent without over-parenting or under-parenting 3/3/2018
- Parenting a Teen? How to talk about difficult topics to your teen? 22/2/2018
- Taboo no more – Inner Dawn Counsellor Sangita Unnis views featured on the Deccan Herald 13/2/2018
- Deccan Herald-Heart Breaks in the Age of Dating apps-Inner Dawn Counsellor Kalas views featured 8/2/2018
- How to change your behavior that you don’t like? 6/2/2018
- Roadmap to a Happy Marriage 27/1/2018
- Are you chained to your gadgets, screens and Internet ? 16/1/2018
- How to make decisions in such a way to not regret them 10/1/2018
- School Projects – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kalas views featured in The New Indian Express 6/1/2018
- Appreciate what you have, when you have, not when it is gone or lost. 24/12/2017
- Consenting to a marriage. Why is it critical ? 16/12/2017
- Emotional Invalidation – how can it damage a relationship? 12/12/2017
- Indian Express – Rude Nasty TV Show characters impact Children- Kala Balasubramanians views featured in Indian Express 6/12/2017
- What is the link between sunlight and depression? 1/12/2017
- How is talking to a therapist different from talking to a friend? 27/11/2017
- Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Counsellor – Differences 20/11/2017
- I am not happy, but I want to be, how do I? 15/11/2017
- Do negative emotions like anger, fear, panic etc have any value? 7/11/2017
- I want to show love but I don’t know how-Expression-Part II 21/10/2017
- Depression, Anxiety on the rise in newly weds 17/10/2017
- Can I provide emotional support ? I am not trained. 12/10/2017
- Mental health day-Inner Dawn Counsellor Kalas Views featured on Deccan Herald 10/10/2017
- I want to show love but I don’t know how – Barriers- Part I 5/10/2017
- Why are heartbreaks so difficult? 30/9/2017
- Gender stereotypes – how they enable social evils 27/9/2017
- Why is making a change so difficult? 19/9/2017
- What if you are not the first choice, first priority? 15/9/2017
- “I am sorry”- Apologize in a way that brings you closer 12/9/2017
- Love at first sight-Soul mates in few weeks?Is it Love or Love Bombing? 6/9/2017
- What is Co-dependence? How does it happen in relationships? 21/8/2017
- Taking Relationship for granted: What can you do about it? 9/8/2017
- Finance, Money Matters – Should you discuss with your partner? 7/8/2017
- Risk of Suicide or Self harm in a friend/loved one? You can help. 31/7/2017
- Digital intrusions into our real life connections- Deccan Herald- Kalas views featured 29/7/2017
- Love Fizzled out? Are you taking your partner for granted? 28/7/2017
- Bullying in Adults. How it impacts you and your relationship? 23/7/2017
- Does what we tell ourselves matter? 20/7/2017
- Hooked to porn ? How does it affect you and your relationship. 20/7/2017
- We don’t feel the love anymore. Is the marriage over? 19/7/2017
- Sports: The Habit to fight depression 18/7/2017
- How to maintain Friendships after marriage 16/7/2017
- My problem has no solution (or as of now). What can i do ? 13/7/2017
- How will the marriage counsellor solve our problems? 11/7/2017
- White lies, omissions, major lies, bold lies – do lies affect relationships 9/7/2017
- Route to intimacy in Relationships-Real Conversations 7/7/2017
- Learning to live and love but without attachments 4/7/2017
- How to deal with the loss of your job and to move forward 3/7/2017
- Why should you stop struggling 26/6/2017
- Need for Deep conversations for happiness and satisfaction 25/6/2017
- ‘To have or not to have’ – children 13/6/2017
- Relationship Conflicts – is a Win-Win possible 5/6/2017
- AIR-Rainbow FM – LIVE – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanian on Overcoming Jealousy on 30-May-17 31/5/2017
- Children in Smoking trap-Indian Express-Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanians views featured 31/5/2017
- How to Save your relationship post an affair (part 2) 26/5/2017
- How to Save your relationship post an affair (Part -1 ) 22/5/2017
- Using Social media to trash others – Inner Dawn Counselling – Kala Balasubramanian’s views featured in – The Asian Age 18/5/2017
- Kala Balasubramanian Featured on All India Radio – Rainbow FM 2/4/2017
- Addicted to Love – New Indian Express – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanians views featured 11/2/2017
- Covaipost- Impact of Super heros on children – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanians views featured 30/1/2017
- Happily Never After – RITZ Magazine – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala’s views featured 23/1/2017
- Sport the Habit to fight Depression – Deccan Herald – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kalas views featured 25/7/2016
- All for a Selfie – Deccan Herald – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanians views featured 6/5/2016
- Love From Afar – Deccan herald – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kalas views featured 3/5/2016
- Parental Stress During Admissions- Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanian’s views featured on The New Indian Express 28/3/2016
- Know Thyself – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanian’s views on Self Awareness on Bangalore Mirror 24/3/2016
- Unmade for each other – Bangalore Mirror – Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala’s views featured 12/3/2016
- Exam stress for students and how to beat it. Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanian’s views quoted on Deccan Herald 27/2/2016
- Online Cheating and its impact on relationships – Inner Dawn counsellor Kala Balasubramanian’s views featured on The New Indian Express. 2/11/2015
- Uncoupling Virtually – Relationship breakup on Social Media – Deccan Chronicle 19/9/2015
- Minors who drink — a major problem – Bangalore Mirror 1/2/2015
- Training work shop on Self awareness on 27-Aug-14 11/9/2014
- The Hindu Career Counselling workshops 11/9/2014
- Self Esteem – How Low Self esteem affects us 3/4/2014
- Worry and its effects 19/1/2014
- Dealing with Mid-life Crisis 5/9/2013
- What is Mid-Life Crisis? 5/9/2013
- Ownership of the Marriage 12/7/2013
- Relationship Problems – Handling Conflicts 27/5/2013
- Relationship Problems Conflicts 27/5/2013
- Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship 27/5/2013
- Physical Intimacy in a relationship 27/5/2013
- Can I change my Beliefs ? 27/5/2013
- The power of your beliefs 27/5/2013
- How Negative thoughts impact us. 27/5/2013
- Work-Life Balance 27/5/2013
- Laughter for stress relief 27/5/2013
- Stress 27/5/2013