Inner dawn YouTube channel. What do we offer here?

Who doesn’t want a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life, Fulfilling relationships? Don’t we all want to be a better version of ourselves? So what stops us? Where do we get stuck? And why? What are the barriers that stop us from growth, from moving forward? A good question to ask would be why do I think, feel and act the way I do?

I am Kala Balasubramanian, founder of inner Dawn counselling, Counselling Psychologist and Psychotherapist. I have been working with people from different walks of life since more than 10 years now facilitating their movement, towards their goals. In the channel I will attempt to answer some of these questions. I would like to share the understanding and experience that I have gained in life and in my work as a Psychotherapist, with the hope that these videos will offer you new ways to understand yourself better, your situation better through the lens of psychology. So that you can learn understand and gain skills to bring to your barriers and create a life for yourself that you have always wanted.

Let me make it clear that the videos in the channel are not a replacement for counselling, therapy, treatment or medical advice as appropriate. Having said that in my next video would attempt to bunk some of the myths around counselling and therapy and give you a sense of what the counselling process is about.

I look forward to this journey together with you towards health growth and awareness.