5 ways that Nature helps de-stress and improves happiness levels

When our lives are full of hectic schedules, deadlines, gadgets, competition, rat race, conflicts, pressure and so on is it not a surprise that its common to see persistent stress leads to anxiety, depression and other psychosomatic issues.
5 ways by which, being in nature can be beneficial to you and help you de-stress and improve your happiness.
1. Gain Perspective
When we are among nature, when we lose ourselves in the awesome spectacle of nature, be it towering mountains, or a view of the never ending ocean, or the endless night sky with its millions of stars, or the beautiful moon, or a wondrous sunset or sunrise, we find perspective. We realize that we are a small part of this wonderful universe, and the problems that are bothering us can be seen in perspective.
2. Feel acceptance
We are accepted by nature. There is no judgement or rejection that nature has towards us. We are all part of nature, though we surround ourselves with artificial things, live in urban settings, but still we remain part of Nature. And we can feel that acceptance whenever we immerse ourselves in Nature.
3. Slows us down
Being in Nature automatically slows us down. Our hectic pace of life seems to take a pause when we enjoy being in nature. Keeping away from our gadgets, constant bombardment of messages, social network allows us to slow down. Our brain doesn’t have to process everything that it comes across. Every wave on the ocean that comes on the beach is different but it is the same. We can slow down and soak and take it all in at our own pace. There is no rush where we blink and we miss it.
4. Being mindful
Though we can practice mindfulness anywhere, it is easier to be mindful when we are in Nature. The rustle of the trees and leaves, the breeze on our face, fresh smell of the soil, the beautiful green of the tree cover every one of our senses can learn to be mindful in such a beautiful setting.
5. Calms your mind, relaxes your body
Even the sounds of Nature can help you calm down and relax. The sound of the rain, the gurgling sound of a stream or the roar of a mighty waterfalls, the hum of the ocean waves etc have the capacity to calm your mind and relax your body. Some researchers even postulate that it mimics the experience of our time in our mother’s womb.
It is not surprising that we call Nature as Mother Nature. She accepts unconditionally, keeps us calm and serene. Try these the next time that you are in nature and reap the benefits.
About the Author:
Kala Balasubramanian is a certified Counselling Psychologist/Psychotherapist with a Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Diplomas in Counselling and has further certifications specializing in couple/marriage/relationship counselling and family counselling. As a trained therapist, she provides professional and confidential – face to face Counselling in Bangalore for Individuals and Couples and Online Counselling over video calls for others residing outside Bangalore and abroad.
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