Is it ok to be openly affectionate to your partner in front of your kids? Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala’s views featured on Deccan Herald

Is it ok to be openly affectionate to your partner in front of your kids?

YES. Definitely. But within boundaries and what is healthy for the kids too.

Inner Dawn Counsellor Kala Balasubramanian’s views Featured in Deccan Herald on 24-Jul-19.

Children learn better by observation than what they are told to do or not do. The best that parents can foster for their children, the next generation, is the right attitude towards life, towards relationships – towards love, affection, care, concern, respect, and sex too (age appropriately). Over all about a healthy relationship. And how better to teach them than by being role models for the same.

Couples fight in front of children. children know that parents are angry with each other. Then it is also possible for them to be loving and affectionate to each other in front of children. Children learn that it is ok to fight fair and to patch up too.

I firmly believe change begins at home. Teach your child Love and Respect. Teach your child good touch-bad touch, and also CONSENT and BOUNDARIES. And children do take their learning to adulthood.