Are you healthy? Do you feel grateful about your health?

Inner Dawn Counselling - Health

Do you consider yourself to be healthy? Do you feel grateful about your health?

We go to the hospital so many times for small issues and sometimes for significant health concerns as well. They don’t really think much about what really happens there. We meet our doctor and get our work done and we are back to health.

Recently I had a chance to spend some significant amount of time in a hospital, with a friend who was admitted there for a procedure. During that time I found myself also being mindful of the other patients as well admitted there. I was immersed into a whole set of thoughts regarding how much do we acknowledge, appreciate and be thankful and grateful for our health.

We think of our health, only when there is a problem which needs to be addressed immediately or which creates hurdle in our daily lives. At all other times, we take our health for granted and don’t even give it a second thought.

It is our healthy body and healthy mind that allows us to perform even the most mundane tasks of our everyday life, be it getting up from the bed, performing our daily ablutions, getting on with the daily work activities, have normal food, and go back to sleep in the night; To be able to experience new things in different places, and engage in other activities that we might be interested in.

We don’t realize that preciousness of our healthy body and healthy mind till the time we loose it temporarily or for the long term.

It’s time to start acknowledging our health, and its importance, and feel grateful for the same. This gratitude can enable us to proactively nurture and enhance our health on everyday basis.


About the Author:

Kala Balasubramanian is certified Counselling Psychologist/Psychotherapist with a Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Diplomas in Counselling and has further certifications specializing in couple/marriage/relationship counselling and family counselling.  She provides a supportive, understanding, professional and confidential environment to work with clients – Individuals and Couples explore their emotions, help them understand and manage their challenges, relationships and stress better.