Stalking-are more stringent, gender neutral laws more effective?

Stop Stalking

Stalking is the act of a person engaging in repeated behaviors towards another person, who considers it intrusive and unwelcome.

The movies might show the heroine get flattered by the attention she gets from the hero, who tries to show his interest in her, by following her, annoying her – in essence stalking her.  But real life is as different as chalk and cheese.

The victim of stalking can face physical and emotional consequences.  They would perhaps experience fear, confusion and loss of confidence. These may lead to anxious or depressive reactions as well.

Stalking could also be a precursor for other crimes like harassment, molestation and rape. And if crime can be nipped in the bud, it can be an effective deterrent.

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 amended the Indian Penal Code and inserted ‘stalking’ as a crime under Section 354D(1)(1). Under the provision, stalking is defined as ‘an act where any man repeatedly

  • Follows and contacts a woman so as to foster personal interaction despite a clear indication of disinterest by such woman
  • Monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication

Now there is a proposal to make this law more stringent and to make it gender neutral too. How will this impact us? Will this make things better over all and deter the crimes?


Inner Dawn Counsellor Sangita Unni’s views featured on Deccan Herald.