Code Words can enhance child safety – Kala Balasubramanian’s views featured on Deccan Herald

Inner dawn Counselling - Code words help in enhancing child safety - Deccan Herald

Bringing up a child in a safe and healthy manner is no easy task, especially in today’s world. We hear more and more about child trafficking, sexual abuse, exploitation of children etc almost everyday.

Stringent laws, active policing, faster legal process etc can definitely help. But more than that awareness, being prepared, being safe, teaching children to be safe etc will help in prevention rather than remediation.

It’s important not to scare the children or restrict the children with too  many rules, but to explain to them what is safe for them and what is not and how to deal with ambiguous situations in a safe manner.

It is for parents to teach the children, not just in words, but act/behave in a manner so that the child trusts the parents and feel free and safe to share anything that happens in their life, both good as well as bad. The child needs to know that my parents wont blame me no matter what I tell them.  When the child shares something and Parents start blaming each other or start fighting – also doesn’t help and might make the child shut down further.

Setting up code words with your child, that needs to be asked for by the child when dealing with strangers or other adults, can be the difference between danger and safety for the child. This is one way with which some of the unsafe situations involving strangers or other adults can be dealt with effectively.

Inner Dawn counselor Kala Balasubramanian’s views featured in today’s Deccan Herald 21-May-18.