Emotional Connections – for health, longevity and happiness

Inner Dawn Counselling - Emotional Connection

Today we do live in a world where work life balance has become a cliche. The mad rush and the rat race when it comes to career, financial growth and status has become the norm.

Today our social connections are measured more by the likes and shares and the list of friends on the social networking apps.

It is often found to be a struggle to find the right balance between having flourishing career as well as fulfilling and satisfying close personal relationships, be it family or friends. Research suggests that having a good close personal / social network in the real world has a significant positive influence on one’s health, longevity and happiness.

The ubiquitous use of gadgets and digital connects, though it does brings people back in touch, to establish a meaningful connection, real world interactions are essential. Sadly many a times, these act as a barrier in real world connections. When I mean real world interactions I mean not just posts and likes; forwards and smileys and stickers.

Whether it is family or friends, nurturing and nourishing the relationships are absolutely essential to make them meaningful. Now, this is not a one time one off activity. It needs to be a continuous ongoing effort. Though sometimes the initial excitement and the spark might have gotten dimmed, it is up to you to bring back the spark and shine in these valued relationships.

The most important caution here is to not take these relationships for granted. Sometimes boredom can set in. It is important to show genuine care towards your family and friends, take genuine interest in their life, and be involved.

Emotional connection is the antidote to emotional isolation. Emotional isolation can result from social isolation, superficial relationships, lack of time to truly connect with family and friends, constant digital distractions, focusing on the rat race etc.

Rather than focusing on getting likes on your perfect selfie or holiday pics, rather than gossip and just hangout, if you can focus on strengthening our relationships with family and friends, through real meaningful conversations, true sharing and caring, emotional connections can be strengthened.


About the Author:

Kala Balasubramanian is certified Counselling Psychologist/Psychotherapist with a Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Diplomas in Counselling and has further certifications specializing in couple/marriage/relationship counselling and family counselling.  She provides a supportive, understanding, professional and confidential environment to work with clients – Individuals and Couples explore their emotions, help them understand and manage their challenges, relationships and stress better