Need for Deep conversations for happiness and satisfaction


Have you ever had a meaningful conversation with some one on a topic or a series of topics and felt a sense of satisfaction at the end of it, but would have continued for couple of hours more? Do you find that the number of such conversations are dwindling or becoming rare?

In today’s fast paced life – our time is spent on either the work related rat race or Smart phones driven conversations or focusing on the image we project on the social media. We have lost the art of having deep conversations with another person, about what is important for us. Research says – even having a smart phone on a table – results in conversations that are not deep, in a sense we prepare ourselves to be interrupted, and hence the meaningfulness of the conversation is kept to a minimum.

What is important to us could be about oneself, about the other person, about any other content that interests us, what we read, what we had seen or what we have experienced or what we believe in, our approach to life and so on. Research shows that there is a link between happiness and deep conversations.

Many a times even in a relationship, the conversation tends to stop at a day-to-day mundane level, that are transactional. We don’t allow it to move forward beyond the small talk and who will do what, to the level of expressing our deepest desires and fears to let the other person know our true selves.

One of the key components to the individual’s over all happiness as well has relationship happiness is communication – deep, meaningful and substantive conversations. We probably need to re-learn the art of real conversations.