Self Esteem – How Low Self esteem affects us

What is Self Esteem, How does low self esteem affect us?

Consider this scenario where you believe – I am not good enough. I am unworthy, incapable, incompetent.

When you feel this way about yourself, you feel demotivated, are low on energy and low on confidence. This would cause you to do what ever that you try to do poorly and that in turn would make you continue to feel the same way. Do you see the vicious cycle that you are stuck in.

Can you break this cycle? Certainly.

Self esteem is a sense of ones own value and worth. How we value ourselves and how we perceive our value to others. It is an emotional evaluation of oneself. When you have a poor evaluation about yourself, it is one of the main hurdles that you face in the attempt to realizing your full potential.

Your low self esteem may have been built over a period of time. For some it may have started from childhood. For some, a significant event may have made you start feeling this way about yourself.

A lot of people with low self esteem, tend to label themselves and generalize their failures.

If I do a bad job, then concluding that – I am not good enough.
If I fail in my exam, then concluding that – I am a failure
If my lover leaves me heart broken, then concluding that – I am not worthy enough. And I will never find love.

What is required is a change in perspective.
If I do a bad job, Its is an opportunity for me to learn.
If I fail in my exam, I get to know where are my weaknesses and work on them.
IF my lover leaves me, then my lover doesn’t deserve me. And I also know what mistakes that I did which I should not repeat.

Another way of improving your self esteem is to stop the negative messages that you give yourself and give yourself positive affirmations.