Worry and its effects

What is worry, Why do I worry? How can I get rid of my worrying habit?

Worry is a persistent thought/emotions about a current/future event; about real or potential problems that creates fear/anxiety.

Worry in a mild form, that does not last long and not disrupt your life can be beneficial and can even have survival value – like taking precautions, avoiding risky behavior etc. Worry becomes a problem when it becomes excessive, persistent and impacts your daily life. Excessive worry can lead to high anxiety and even panic.

This can impact some or all walks of your life like sleep, relationships, concentration, work performance, health, appetite etc. You may even be aware that you worry a lot and worry about it also.

Eckhart Tolle says in his book ‘Power of  Now’ – “Nothing has happened in the past; it happened in the Now. Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now”. It means what ever happened in the past, happened when the past was ‘Now’. What ever in future will happen, will happen when the future is ‘Now’. so anything that happens, happens in the ‘Now’. If you want to live your life, you need to do it in the ‘Now’. If you need to plan for the future, you need to do the plan and action in the now.

In the movie Kungfu Panda the Wise tortoise Oogway tells Po – “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present”.

Learning to live in the present, relaxation – through Meditation or breathing control, exercise/work out, a balanced diet, having a work-life balance etc could be different ways of dealing or coping with excessive worry. Of course, if you find it difficult to deal with your worries, you can talk to a professional counsellor. Your counsellor can help you gain perspective and clarity and help you work on your worry and your life situation.

If you would like to meet with a professional counsellor, call us at +91 96321 46316 or write to us at counselor@innerdawn.in

We provide professional and confidential counselling services at different locations in Bangalore – Jayanagar, Koramangala, Cox Town, Marathahalli, Mahadevpura.