Work-Life Balance

Do you find it difficult to find time for activities that you need to do. Are you in a rush all the time. Do you feel frustrated even after spending you entire day doing some work or other but still feel at the end of the day that you haven’t accomplished much? Do you feel you have stopped doing the things that you enjoyed doing earlier – either due to lack of time or energy?
In todays hectic life style, and changing values and demanding occupations, it is important to achieve a work-life balance to lead a fulfilling life. And Yes, it is possible to get to a work – life balance.

Prioritize your activities both work and at home – Based on Steven Covey’s Time Management Matrix categorize your activities and prioritize accordingly.

Urgent and important – Priority 1
Not urgent and important – Priority 2
Urgent and Unimportant – Priority 3
Not urgent and unimportant – Priority none

Covey calls Priority 1 items as “fires” that need to be put out immediately. Too much time here can lead to stress issues and burn out.

Plan at least one activity a week that you do just for your own enjoyment and satisfaction (this should be part of Priority 2 activities). Adequate focus on Priority 2 will lead to reduction in Priority 1 Items.

Priority 3 activities are not important to you. They are important to someone else. Learn to say ‘NO’ where ever appropriate in an assertive way.

Drop the “Priority none” activities. They drain your energy and add no value to you.

Plan for quality time with the family. When you spend nurturing time with your spouse and children, the environment will provide nurturing for you. Home is the place where you should be able to replenish your batteries. That will happen only if you assign enough importance and primacy to your home environment. The love and nurturing makes the house a home. Else it would remain just walls and a roof with furniture within. Stop comparing yourself and your family to others and add pressure on to yourself. Know that Peer pressure is that which you put on yourself.

If you would like to meet with a professional counsellor, call us at +91 96321 46316 or write to us at

We provide professional and confidential counselling services at different locations in Bangalore – Jayanagar, Koramangala, Cox Town, Marathahalli, Mahadevpura.